TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: brings a new awareness to my soul as I mourn the loss of my best friend.   It is not that I regret her passing, but take time to celebrate her life.  When we have a kindred spirit who understands who we are at the deepest level of our being and embraces all that comes with that, we are truly blessed.  Not everyone can accept us in that way and when we find someone that can, the joy and pleasure of their role in our lives is irreplaceable.  As a sacred bond it is important to realize that not everyone finds that kind of friendship and kinship to share. I feel truly honoured that I have had that experience.

Learning to embrace the loss is part of what challenges us to let go.  Not to let go of the memories, the special moments or the challenging ones, but to truly honour that they existed.  Focusing on the blessings becomes a way of being comforted and soothed as the days unfold.  In those moments when the mind forgets they are no longer present, it is being ok with that thought where you want to pick up the phone and tell them something that just happened they way you used to do.  It is taking a moment and making that call on a higher level where you speak with them in spirit and share the same message knowing that on some plain of existence they are smiling and responding with the usual enthusiasm or interest.  There is no distance when it comes to spirit – and in that way our friendship continues.

LOSS= the sense of finality that comes with the passing of a dear friend or loved one
GRIEF= the process we go through as we learn to let go while still holding sacred memories
MOURNING= the sense of empty space that comes when someone is no longer there