11:11 Remembering Our Purpose

Sacred Journey

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we are here to explore and experience the greatest challenges of a human soul.  This journey is complete with all of the elements of battles won and lost.  Our inner spirit is designed to help us seek the furthest reaches of our imaginary self by whatever means it takes to get us there.  We are the strong, the weak, the brave and the meek all at the same time.

Each time we conquer a new level of awareness of our power and the amount of pain it can facilitate to get us there, we are made wiser and worthy of greater deeds to bring a new level of love to this world.  The world as it stands, is on the brink of a great new reality that allows the soul to express itself in more gentle, creative and caring ways without feeling threatened, judged or criticized.  This level of freedom of expression is a new vibration that has yet to be established.

REMEMBER= the ability to recall what is genuinely important
REMINDER= the signs and signals that help us remember
REMAINDER= the balance of what is yet to be remembered