TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: takes us on a vast expansive journey to the widest view of who we are and what we are here to do in this life.  The clarity of our own personal vision comes from an inner awakening that shines a light on our inner most powerful self.  The higher self is designed to re-connect to the past, the present and the future when we have completed our research and training as a human soul.

The empowerment process is a powerful way for us to change our perception, direction and intention to align fully and completely to the Divine within.  It is part of our eternal blueprint that never disappears or dissolves no matter where we are or how far we get from our original creation.  This can be both comforting and intimidating at the same time.  We are prone to compare ourselves to who we think we are with how we feel we are in alignment or not.

Here are the tools we possess that help us find our way home to the highest level of integrity, purity and honesty that shines a benevolent light to show us the way.

TRANSFORMATION= the realization that who we were and who we are is able to take all that we have created and return it to the light for correction or connection to source.  This is done through intentional forgiveness of self and others.

TRANSMUTATION= the ability to honour what is and embrace the truth, that we hold the power to elevate that energy to a much higher state of grace through deliberate creation via our intentions and inspirations.  This points us in a new direction based on our research experience.  What we went through to learn life lessons need not be a burden or a punishment but the key to enriching our experience by elevating it to wisdom.  This is done through our awareness of self in relation to creation.

TRANSCENDENCE= the ultimate goal of a soul is to take what we have manifested, experienced and participated in and using it to elevate our awareness and perception to a higher state of grace.  Through this process we release the old, embody the new and envision the next level of what that can create through our intentions and focus.  This is done by releasing our guilt and shame that comes from our beliefs in where and who we have been in the past.  



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the idea that we are being filtered through a layer of illusion that keeps us from fully waking up.  The energy of the day is to make things complicated and chaotic so that the real reason behind things is hidden.  Our inner wisdom and soul connection to Source is speaking loud and clear if our hearts are open to the truth.  The illusions hold no power over our discernment, but we must in fact choose to use it and trust that it is able to guide us through the darkest of times.

CHAOS  seems to be a normal practice that we have grown used to.  No one seems to question why it is everywhere, what the purpose behind it is, or how do we resolve it so we can return to a natural flow and function as a human race.  The acceptance of chaos as a normal part of life is bringing us to a lower frequency and a more disconnected state of awareness.  Chaos is designed to stir things up, to toss them in the air and see what lands and what falls away.  During a time of chaos each and every soul is in a position to create change.  When we ignore that signal and simply look the other way . . . a greater level of chaos will be coming that we can’t ignore.

CONFUSION is a game the mind plays in order to bring our awareness back into focus.  The moment you realize you are having difficulties focusing, thinkings, reasoning or paying attention, is the moment we need to stop and take a very close look at what we are doing, who we are doing it with, and the why behind our intentions in being a part of it.  Getting caught up in the moment of reaction is typical as a  human response.  Learning how to pause, breathe, centre, and then connect should be a plan already in place for when things get turned upside down in our world.  That extra moment of refocusing our energy and our thoughts can be a life changer.

CLUTTER shows up all around us to reflect we are in a state of chaos within.  The chaos of confusion and chaos takes a toll on our cognitive thinking and reasoning..  Not addressing that inner turmoil spills over into our surroundings, into our relationships, and into our comfort zone of where we see ourselves in relation to what is loving, kind, fair or true.  When we tolerate chaos of any kind, we signal the instant distortion of our personal perception and things get ‘messy’ inside and out.

COMPLICATIONS is the byproduct of a mind out of focus.  When the mind is left to do its own thing and not strategically asked to focus on ONE thing, it immediately moves to a default perspective to begin to be distracted by EVERYTHING.  This keeps us occupied and otherwise entertained by the world around us, thus successfully avoiding the inner world where the changes or solutions can be found.  Our minds love a ‘problem’.  We can spend hours, days or years defending and protecting our unwillingness to change by always focusing on the reasons something won’t work instead of solutions being found to correct the situation.  Mastering the Mind is a full time job.  Learning to re-direct ourselves in a better direction eventually shifts us from problems to solutions but it must be done consciously.

CLARITY comes through CONSCIOUS CREATION where we learn to focus on what we want, what we need and what we require in order to be happy, healthy, worthy and wealthy.  This is a sign that a soul has graduated into the world of making their own reality.  Living outside of the old world is a very challenging journey.  The old thoughts, feelings and memories keep challenging us to play another round of CHAOS, CONFUSION, CLUTTER THAT COMPLICATE THINGS.  Are we still willing to play?  Or are we ready to change?


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: In these challenging times, we are being shown many parts of ourselves that are not in alignment with the highest purpose of our soul. These challenges are accelerating our growth by showing up as repeated patterns, events and emotions that align to our old ways. Trauma, Drama, Karma are part of our human experiment to teach us about conditional love. Our thoughts and feelings will support what we have not yet learned and repeat the process until we do.

Being caught up in the trauma, drama game is difficult to identify. It will show up with reasons, excuses, justification and evidence to support the idea you are holding on to. These will continue to grow in intensity and diversity until we begin to recognize the pattern and the process. Once we see through the veil of illusions we have created, things become very clear and much easier to transform into a more loving behaviour.

Those that have found their way through that maze sit back in ‘amazement’ at others that still play the game. It is hard to watch when you know there is a simple answer and powerful moment when it all changes. That is up to the individuals who still play the game. Those that are witnessing from the other side must respectfully observe, remain neutral and hold the light of love as a beacon of hope and potential for others.

This I know to be true . . . what you are running from, is what you are running towards. Everything in the universe is designed as a circle, a cellular, seasonal spiral and elevating energy that every soul will go through to return to the Source of our Creation which is Love. This evolution as a victim takes time and a huge amount of effort to accomplish. Running away from your problems, fears, pain or suffering will only result in more of it showing up in a larger way where you must decide to either feel it and face it, for fear it and fail the self induced test. Humanity is being shown the extreme version of all of this right now. Some have realized their purpose is to rise up and release themselves from this program, while others are still repeating it to verify and validate their own souls purpose. Both are loved, both are blessed by what they believe, but the outcome is very different in how it feels. Rise up sweet souls. The game is over, the testing is optional and the freedom you gain is real.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: Clarity comes from understanding and decoding the language that we speak each day.  The power of words is noticeably profound in not only the meaning, but the vibration of that word and what it is attached to.  So many words in our language are spelled the same, but are inherently very different in the way they are used or defined.

The word of Source helps us discern what words are loving and what words have been used to distort the concept of love and make it tempting for us to follow as it appears to be a better road or idea.  Many centuries of time and effort have gone into distorting the word of Source in order to deceive or destroy the connection we are meant to have and enjoy.

We hear many stories passed down through history of great Prophets that once walked the Earth and shared the words of Source in a way that uplifted and encouraged mankind to be loving, kind, fair and true.  This connection has been used by some to create a distraction from these qualities in the name of improving or replacing those words with similar ones.  These words are designed to distort and deceive those who do not have their own inner faith connection to Source as a way of life and liberty.

Todays coded words are:

PROPHET – A person who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of a SOURCE is expressed.
This is the ancient way of passing the information from our Eternal Source to those who inhabit our planet and communities, where one of those within each community has the ability to tap into the inner realms of Source and use their gift to guide and uplift those who will listen.  The choice is and always will be a free will option that every soul is gifted with.  We can acknowledge or deny the words being shared.

PROFIT – A concept that has been developed to deceive and distract us from our connection to Source.  This illusionary idea is designed to place someone outside of ourselves in control of what we think, what we do and how we feel about ourselves in relation to Source.  An artificial value has replaced the ancient way we see ourselves and our world in relation to the power and grace of Source.  When man discovered there is profit in control, in deception, in limiting the beliefs and faith of humanity, there was a great divide created and maintained for millenniums.  As humanity turned to those who claimed to know the best and better way to live . . . our faith became a commodity to be used, traded, manipulated and profited from.  

We are now in a place where our hearts have aligned to the greater vision of what Source intended us to be and experience here on our beautiful planet.  The truth is being once again brought forward by those who have evolved enough to re-connect to Source and the higher truth and purpose for our Planet.  We are slowly being awakened to the reality that there is no reason for us to give away our free will to those who’s intentions are to PROFIT from our pain and suffering.  Keeping us in fear has maintained the illusion of life for far too long.  We are now ready to break free and recognize that each individual has the ability to be a PROPHET for Source and live a much more Divine life of freedom, faith and life through forgiveness of self and others.  We have made this choice  . . . the change is now unfolding.